Discover It Student Chrome: annual fee-free

Build your credit with this card designed for students

Discover It Student Chrome: annual fee-free

Why is this for you

The Discover It Student Chrome Credit Card was designed for students who are starting to build their financial life.

With it, you can build your credit score history, without worrying about paying an annuity fee.


  • No annual fee: enjoy no need to pay an annuity
  • No credit score required: you do not need to have a minimum score to apply.
  • Cash Back: get 2% cash back at restaurants, gas stations, and more
  • National acceptance: this card is accepted in 99% of the US stores
  • Intro APR: enjoy 6 months of 0% intro APR
  • Chose your card design: choose for your card the design that suits you best


  • Limited free APR: it is free for the first 6 months, then it goes from 15.99% to 24.99%

This is the perfect student card that allows you to earn lots of rewards.

Tap the button below to learn more about it and apply today.

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