Amex EveryDay Credit Card: earn rewards with no annual fee

Discover how this card can enhance your trips with rewards and no annual fee

Amex EveryDay Credit Card: earn rewards with no annual fee

You already know that Amex EveryDay is the no-fee, full-featured American Express credit card, perfect for those who love traveling.

Now, discover in more detail everything that this card offers and how it can enhance your travel experiences.

About American Express

American Express is one of the best-known companies in the world. Created in 1850, Amex now has more than 121 million cards in force worldwide. It has built a reputation for exceptional service and benefits for cardholders.

How This Card Works

The Amex EveryDay card was designed to help you save money while offering valuable benefits. By making purchases with your card, you accumulate points through the Membership Rewards Program.

These points can be redeemed for airline tickets, giving you the flexibility to make the most of your trips. Plus, you can check if you’re approved without impacting your credit score.

Requirements to Apply for This Credit Card

  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Must have a valid Social Security Number (SSN)
  • A good credit score is preferred

Card Fees

  • No annual fee
  • Foreign transaction fee: 2.7% of each transaction after conversion to US dollars
  • Late payment fee: Up to $40

Apply for Your Card Online

  • Visit the American Express website
  • Complete the application form with your personal and financial information
  • Submit your application and wait for approval, which typically takes a few minutes

Get Approved Today!

Are you ready to start enjoying the benefits of the Amex EveryDay card? Go to the next page to follow the steps we prepared for your application.

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